Jigsaw Puzzle Book 1 (C129)


The Boboiboy Jigsaw Puzzle book is targeted in encouraging children to :

1. Develop and enhance fine motor skills via eye-hand coordination

2. Identify various objects, shapes and colours

3. Increase concentration span

4. Asservativeness in decision making.

SKU: QyN9jzYUXp Kategori:


Format: Paperback
Saiz: 7.5” x 10.4
ISBN-13: 9555661000407
Jumlah Muka Surat: 26
Berat (Kg): 0.083

The Boboiboy Jigsaw Puzzle book is targeted in encouraging children to :

1. Develop and enhance fine motor skills via eye-hand coordination

2. Identify various objects, shapes and colours

3. Increase concentration span

4. Asservativeness in decision making.

Additional information

Weight 0.08 kg


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